
19.09.2017  21:44







中国薏仁米品牌与质量论论坛有14位学者进行专题发言。中国社科院农村发展研究所贫困与福祉研究室主任檀学文研究员/博导“产业扶贫的实现路径:薏仁米产业的启示”,中国社科院农村发展研究所农村环境与生态经济研究室副主任包晓斌研究员/博导“薏仁米绿色产业发展与生态环境建设”,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院董事CARD中国农业品牌研究中心顾问蒋文龙教授/博导“公共区域品牌创意的三重境界”,山东大学法学院王笑冰教授/博导“中国与欧盟地理标志产品保护制度比较”,同济大学法学院副院长宋晓亭教授/博导“药食同源的法律政策”,中国中医科学院中药资料分析中心王雅南副研究员“薏苡仁抗肿瘤活性成分关键基因的挖掘与功能鉴定”, 环保部南京环境科学研究所高军副研究员“自然保护区建设与其生态价值评估”,国家知识产权出版社龙文“薏仁米品牌的知识产权保护”,云南大学法学院副教授戴琳“文化视野下的薏仁米产业发展问题研究”,重庆大学公共管理学院罗章教授/博导“薏仁米产业发展的公共政策”,贵州民族大学旅游与航空服务学院副院长余骥教授“旅游视角分析薏仁米产业发展”,贵州省社科院区域经济所罗以洪博士/副研究员“大数据助力薏仁米品牌提升”,贵州大学公共管理学院段忠贤博士/副教授“薏仁米产业发展的公共服务”,贵州省社科院地理标志研究中心李发耀研究员“地理标志公共品牌暨产业化推进”。

中国薏仁米种植与加工论坛有14伴专家进行专题发言。臺灣大學食品科技研究所江文章博士/名譽教授“Physiological Functions and Active Components of Adlay(Coix lacryma-jobi L.)薏仁的生理功能與活性成分”。浙江康莱特药业有限公司总经理王海峰“薏苡仁抗肿瘤活性成分研究及应用”,南京财经大学王立峰博士/教授“薏米中酚类物质结构鉴定及活性机制研究”,中国农业机械化科学研究院徐考群研究员“薏仁米干法加工技术装备现状与发展”,贵州大学曾海英博士/副教授“基于益生菌发酵的薏米功效成分增量富集”,勤邦生物科技股份有限公司总经理易重任“薏仁米产业安全溯源体系构建”,西北农林科技大学柴岩教授“小杂粮产业发展战略”,中国农科院作物所陆平研究员“薏苡种质资源概况”,西北农林科技大学冯百利研究员“薏仁米保健机能性及产业化开发研究”,中粮集团总经理助理张建华“薏仁米的开发利用”,贵州省薏苡工程技术研究中心石明主任/研究员“贵州薏苡米产业现状及发展”,贵州农科院杨成龙博士/副研究员“薏仁米种质资源的收集及创新利用”,中国热带农业科学院戴好富研究员/博导“薏仁米生物活性成分研究与应用”,上海交通大学王正武教授/博导“薏仁米精深加工与品质控制”。






















Chinese Coix Seed: Xingren Manifesto

During the two days of August 29 th   and 30 th , 2017,126 experts from Chinese academic fields and 13 scholars from Laos, the Philippine, Korea, Burma, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia, 161 representatives from coix seed industry, and 96 government representatives gathered  at China (Xingren) Coix Seed Expo --- the 1 st   ASEAN Coix Seed International Forum. The following government departments and institutions co-hosted the Expo. They were the Rural Development Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China National Association of Grain Sectors, Social Science Academic Press (China), Guizhou Agricultural Committee, Guizhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Guizhou Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, Administration for Industry and Commerce of Guizhou, Food and Drug Administration of Guizhou Province, Grain Administration of Guizou Province, Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, People’s Government of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture. The co-organizers of the forum included the Agricultural Committee of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Xingyi Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Food and Drug Administration of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Administration for Industry and Commerce of Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Grain and Commerce Administration of  Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Academic of Social Sciences, People’s Government of Xingren County.

Against the background of common concern  of quality, brand, environment, tourism, culture, and poverty alleviation among others, the forum had three parallel  sessions regarding coix seed cultivation and processing, quality and brand, and standard system respectively to discuss the focuses in Chinese coix seed industry.

The Forum has reached the following consensus:

First, the protection of germplasm resources guarantees the sustainable development of coix seed industry, therefore it’s our responsibility to build the germplasm base to conserve, breed, and reproduce coix seed.

Second, standardization is the foundation of the development of coix seed industry, which needs a standard for the whole industry chain.

Three, product quality is the core of the industry, which needs a long term implementation by the processing enterprises.

Four, the construction of regional public brand is the inevitable choice for the healthy and fast development and benefit-sharing of coix seed industry.

In light of the above consensus,we proposed:

First, protecting the eco-environment of coix seed production areas, germplasm resources, technological innovation, market order, product quality and brand among others.

Second, promoting the cooperative development of the primary,  secondary and tertiary coix seed industries, speeding up the completion of coix seed industry chain with multi-function and commercial activities to coordinate  city-industry integration.

Third, promoting the parallel development of cultural industry, health industry, tourism industry, and poverty alleviation.

Four, fastening the construction of coix seed industry standard, including national standard, provincial standard and enterprise standard, encouraging more standard by other social organizations, and supporting the construction  of standardized demonstration areas.

Five, improving processing technique of green coix seed food and drug, strengthening the connection between quality and brand of the coix seed processing enterprises.

Six, the spirit of the forum --- green coix seed, technical coix seed, quality coix seed.

We appeal to the coix seed processing enterprises, representatives from coix seed production areas, governmental departments, experts and guests for more attention to coix seed industry to enhance protection consciousness and accelerate the sustainable development of coix seed industry.

August 30, 2017